Monday, June 18, 2007

Hot stacks: the best supplement combinations for muscle gains and bodyfat reduction - Nutrition

Two questions bodybuilders ask most frequently are "What supplements Should I take to get big?" and "Which ones will help me rip up?" First, it's important to keep in mind that adding muscle mass requires a calorie surplus coupled with adequate protein intake. Second, the opposite is true for cutting up--rippling abs a la Ahmad Haidar come from reducing your overall caloric intake. In other words, the best supplements out there won't increase your muscle mass or rip you up unless you are chowing down on the correct amount of high-quality food. Once you have the foundation set, the following supplement stacks can facilitate your progress.


Whey is a quickly digested protein source that is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Supplementing with BCAAs can help prevent the breakdown of muscle. Research has shown that a small protein/carb snack taken before training can promote a more anabolic hormonal environment. That's where oatmeal fits in. Oatmeal is a source of slowly digested carbs, which can help prevent drops in energy and glycogen levels. When combined with whey protein and stacked with glutamine, the carbs in oatmeal can help the body maintain muscle during training.